
Awarded to date

Meskwaki Casino: November 2 - 4, 2018

Ian Matakis Left with Crumbs After Cooler Flop

Created (11/4/2018 10:30:50 PM by Admin System)

Taylor Howard raised to 225,000 from the button and Ian Matakis called to see a flop.

Matakis checked, Howard bet 225,000, and Matakis check-raised to 725,000. Howard moved all in for 4 million and Matakis snap-called.


Matakis flopped two pair while Howard went with his flush draw. The turn completed the flush and Matakis failed to fill up on the river.

Taylor Howard - 8,110,000 (81 bb)
Ian Matakis - 350,000 (3.5 bb)