
Awarded to date

Meskwaki Casino: March 12 - 20, 2016

Huge Pot Results in Elimination of Peebles

Created (3/20/2016 1:51:41 AM by Admin System)
David Battani

Thomas Peebles, who finished runner-up in the inaugural MSPT Wisconsin State Poker Championship last year, raised to 6,000 from the hijack and was met by a three-bet to 17,000 by David Battani in the big blind. Peebles responded by four-betting all in for roughly 110,000 and Battani snap-called.

Peebles:  10x 10x

Battani:  Kx Kx

Peebles was way behind and failed to get lucky as the board ran out clean to send the massive pot to Battani.

Battani - 250,000

Peebles - Busted