
Awarded to date

Canterbury Park: April 15 - 24, 2016

Kalteux Keeps on Shoving

Created (4/24/2016 1:29:16 AM by Admin System)
Bob Kalteux

After Sam De Silva had opened for 5,000, Bob Kalteux moved all in for around 35,000. It worked as De Silva released.

In the very next hand, De Silva opened for the same amount and Sriram Sitaraman called from the hijack. Kalteux then three-bet all in again, this time for 42,500. De Silva didn’t seem to happy, but folded nonetheless. Sitaraman then hit the tank for a minute before calling off for 34,000.

Sitaraman:  ac ks

Kalteux:  5s 5d

Kalteux seemed a little upset it took Sitaraman so long to call with such a premium hand, but it proved a moot point as that premium hand failed to improve as the board ran out  3c2d 10s 6d 9d.

Bob Kalteux - 100,000

Sriram Sitaraman - Busted