
Awarded to date

Canterbury Park: April 15 - 24, 2016

Bad Beat Sends Tracy to the Rail

Created (4/24/2016 1:48:43 AM by Admin System)
Tom Tracy

The preflop action escaped us, but we do know that Tom Tracy got his stack all in preflop and was primed to double through Richard Stevens.

Stevens:  ah kh

Tracy:  as da

Stevens was in need of some major help, and he found a little when the  js 6s 10s flop gave him a gutshot to Broadway, though the spades were dead to him. Amazingly, he completed it when the dealer burned and turned the  qh. The  jd river failed to help Tracy and he understandably marched his way to the exit in disgust while Stevens was pushed the pot.

Richard Stevens - 90,000

Tom Tracy - Busted