
Awarded to date

The Venetian: February 1 - 3, 2018

Colin Eric Lovelock Gets Mike Harvey Off The Best Hand

Created (2/2/2018 1:05:47 AM by Admin System)
Colin Eric Lovelock

Colin Eric Lovelock raised to 7,400 from the button, and found one caller in Mike Harvey in the big blind.

Harvey chose to lead right out into Lovelock on the flop, betting 10,000. Lovelock was undeterred, raising to 21,500. Harvey thought for a bit, then made the call.

Harvey checked the turn over to Lovelock, who jammed his last 50,000 in the middle, which put Harvey in the tank.

“I’m going to want to rabbit hunt this one,” he said, before mucking face-up.

There’s no rabbit hunting in tournaments, but Lovelock did him one better, showing Harvey , meaning Harvey had Lovelock dead to three outs on the river. Harvey just grimaced upon seeing the hand, and Lovelock raked in the pot with a smirk on his face.

Mike Harvey - 210,000 (70 bb)
Colin Eric Lovelock - 115,000 (38 bb)