
Awarded to date

Majestic Star Casino: January 25 - 27, 2019

Cruel, Cruel Broadway

Created (1/27/2019 12:50:28 AM by Admin System)
Steve Jungmann

Simon Taberham jammed for 24,100 from UTG, Steve Jungmann three-bet shoved for 27,900 total from the small blind, and Dave Kenniston called in the big blind.


Taberham leapt in front after the flop delivered him two pair, but Jungmann was still live with a gutshot, while Kenniston was reduced down to a single out. The changed nothing on the turn, but the river caused the table to gasp in shock, as Jungmann rivered Broadway to take out Taberham and take a chunk out of Kenniston.

Dave Kenniston - 90,000 (37.5 bb)
Steve Jungmann - 80,000 (33 bb)