
Awarded to date

Majestic Star Casino: January 25 - 27, 2019

Henry Zou's Not Out Of This Yet!

Created (1/27/2019 1:14:35 AM by Admin System)
Henry Zou

Jerry Gumila raised to 6,500 from UTG, and Henry Zou three-bet jammed for 26,900 from the lojack. Sean Munjal called out of the cutoff, and Gumila folded.


Munjal spiked an ace on the flop to take a big lead, but Zou turned a little hope when the fell on the turn, giving him a gutshot. The river was gin for Zou, who celebrated with a fist pump as he took down the double.

Sean Munjal - 100,000 (33 bb)
Henry Zou - 66,000 (22 bb)