
Awarded to date

Tropicana Evansville: August 23 - 25, 2019

Johnson Cripped, Potter Eliminated

Created (8/24/2019 12:53:36 AM by Admin System)
Joseph Lamkin

Justin Brown opened to 7,000 from the cut-off and was called by Aaron Johnson from the big blind. On a flop of Brown continued for 7,000 and Johnson called. On a turn , Brown beefed up to 22,000 and was again called by Johnson. On the river , Brown wagered about 50,000, representing most of Johnson’s 70,000 stack. Johnson took his time working through the puzzle, eventually deciding to call. Brown confidently announced “two pair” and showed . Johnson quietly mucked his hand, having fallen below 10 big blinds (but don’t count him out yet).

Frank Covich opened to 7,000 from UTG+1 and was re-raised by Gary Potter to 15,000 from the hijack. It moved to Joseph Lamkin in the small blind who shoved for about 70,000. Covich folded but Potter decided to get his final 45,000 in the middle. Lamkin tabled and Potter . The board ran out clean for Lamkin and he picked up a much needed pot while Potter ended a fantastic run.