
Awarded to date

FireKeepers Casino: May 11 - 14, 2023

Morfitt Turns Quad Nines to Double Through Nuwwarah

Created (5/13/2023 10:39:36 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Action folded to Mo Nuwwarah who raised to 15,000 from the cutoff and was called by the small blind before Matt Morfitt squeezed for his last 38,000 from the big blind.

Action was back on Nuwwarah who went over the top giving Morfitt isolation.

Matt Morfitt:
Mo Nuwwarah:

Morfitt was ahead holding a made hand of nines and enjoyed seeing a another in the window on the flop.

The flop also gave Nuwwarah a gut shot straight draw, but the dealer crushed those hopes turning the case improving Morfitt to quads.

The dealer dropped the meaningless on the river and Morfitt collected his double-up.

Mo Nuwwarah - 180,000
Matt Morfitt- 95,000