
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: July 13 - 16, 2023

Stybaniewicz Flops the Goods to Double Through Heimer

Created (7/13/2023 9:37:07 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Krzysztof Stybaniewicz raised under the gun only to call a 12,500 three-bet made by Tamarah Heimer from the button.

Once the hit the felt, Stybaniewicz check-jammed for 57,000 after Heimer continued for 26,000 and Heimer snap-called.

Krzysztof Stybaniewicz:
Tamarah Heimer:

Stybaniewicz pulled ahead after flopping a full house and the turn followed by the river secured his double-up.

Krzysztof Stybaniewicz - 130,000
Tamarah Heimer - 55,000