
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: July 13 - 16, 2023

Marlon Caster Eliminated in 6th Place ($19,267)

Created (7/16/2023 9:51:48 PM by Jeremy Smith)


Marlon Caster raised to 200,000 from the hijack only to have Brian Yee three-bet to 605,000 from the big blind.

Action was back on Caster who four-bet jammed for 2,305,000 and Yee snap-called holding 2,800,000.

Marlon Caster:
Brain Yee:

Caster was racing for his tournament life and fell behind after the flop paired Yee’s queen.

The turn didn’t improve Caster’s hand, nor did the river and he made his exit in sixth place for $19,267.

Brain Yee - 5,200,000
Marlon Caster - Eliminated