
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: July 13 - 16, 2023

Jonathan McCray Eliminated in 3rd Place ($44,736)

Created (7/16/2023 10:55:50 PM by Jeremy Smith)


Alex Cruz raised all in from the small blind and Jonathan McCray called off his short stack from the big blind.

Jonathan McCray:
Alex Cruz:

“Four one time,” exclaimed Cruz as the dealer dropped a flop. “Four one time,” Cruz continued to chant as the fell on the turn giving McCray more outs with a double gutter.

The chant of “for one time for the pay jump,” from Cruz continued and sure enough, the dealer peeled off the on the river to send McCray home in third place for $44,736.

Brian Yee - 8,580,000
Alex Cruz - 6,000,000
Jonathan McCray - Eliminated