
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: July 13 - 16, 2023

Brian Yee Eliminated in 2nd Place ($62,070)

Created (7/16/2023 11:11:51 PM by Jeremy Smith)


Alex Cruz opened for 200,000 and Brain Yee fired back with a 400,000 three-bet. Cruz buckled down and four-bet to 1,200,000 and Yee called bringing about a flop.

Yee check-called a 1,500,000 continuation bet from Cruz and the fell on the turn.

Yee checked his option once again to Cruz who moved all-in. “Well, if you have me so be it, I call,” said Yee as he tossed in a chip risking his stack.

Brain Yee:
Alex Cruz:

Yee flopped top pair and kicker but needed a lucky lady on the river to keep his tournament rolling after seeing Cruz table a pair pf aces.

Unfortunately for Yee, the paired the board on the river and ended his Main Event runner-up for $62,070

Alex Cruz - Eliminated
Brian Yee - Eliminated