
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: July 20 - 23, 2023

Harrell Misses Flush Draw, Dropped by Bangart

Created (7/21/2023 12:43:51 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Joe Bangart opened under the gun and found two callers which included MSPT champ Marc Harrell from the small blind.

Once the flop hit the felt, action was checked to Bangart who continued for 15,000 and Harrell check-jammed for 50,000.

After the big blind folded, Bangart called, and the two players revealed their hands.

Marc Harrell:
Joe Bangart:

Harrell was behind holding an over with the diamond flush draw, but neither the turn nor the river improved his hand and he was eliminated from Day 1a action.

Joe Bangart - 178,000
Marc Harrell - 0