
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: July 20 - 23, 2023

Money River Secures Triple Up for Reid

Created (7/21/2023 1:17:04 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Greg Asche limped-in from middle position only to have Terence Reid raise all in for 31,000 from the cutoff, and Brian Lindasy go over the top for 61,000 from the small blind.

Action folded back to Asche who decided to gamble and tossed out the call putting both players at risk.

Terence Reid:
Brian Lindsay:
Greg Asche:

Asche was ahead holding a made hand of sixes and exclaimed in excitement after a six appeared in the window on the flop that improved him to a set while Reid picked-up the spade flush draw.

The turn made things interesting as it brought possible chop outs if a five or ten were to fall on the river.

Luckily for Reid, a five did fall on the river but it was the which secured him the triple-up while Asche and Lindsay chopped the side pot.

Greg Asche - 140,000
Terence Reid - 106,000
Brian Lindsay - 27,000