
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: July 20 - 23, 2023

Hindman Flushes Reading for Double

Created (7/22/2023 12:55:10 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Joe Hindman limped-in from late position and Matthew Weishar followed suit from the hijack before Josh Reichard raised to 20,000 from the cutoff.

Action folded to WSOP bracelet winner John Reading who four-bet jammed for 139,000 and Hindman called off his 88,000 stack.

Both Weishar and Reichard mucked their hands.

Joe Hindman:
John Reading:

Hindman slow-played aces perfectly and the runout secured his double-up.

Matthew Weishar - 285,000
Joe Hindman - 182,000
Josh Reichard - 147,000
John Reading - 50,000