
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: July 20 - 23, 2023

Blake Bohn Eliminated in 2nd Place ($92,156)

Created (7/23/2023 11:20:51 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Blake Bohn limped-in from the button and Ben Pettinger raised to 700,000. Bohn clapped back with a 6,200,000 three-bet jam and Pettinger called.

Blake Bohn:
Ben Pettinger:

Bohn was racing for his record breaking fifth title and didn’t mind the flop that was paired bringing possible chop outs.

Unfortunately for Bohn, the dealer turned the leaving the MSPT Hall of Famer drawing dead to the river.

Ben Pettinger - 19,350,000
Blake Bohn - Eliminated