
Awarded to date

Hollywood Casino: August 1 - 6, 2023

Ramsdell Sets Up Flounder, Hard Stop Reached

Created (8/4/2023 1:35:19 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Cliff “Flounder” Maloney opened under the gun for 18,000 and was called by Paul Fehlig from the hijack before Ryan Ramsdell three-bet to 53,000 from the button.

Only Maloney called, and the dealer dropped a flop. Maloney wasted no time moving out his 110,000 stack and Ramsdell snap-called.

Cliff “Flounder” Maloney:
Ryan Ramsdell:

Maloney was way behind needing a jack after seeing Ramsdell flopped top set.

Neither the turn nor the river improved his hand, and he was eliminated for the tournament as the heard stop was reached with 14:00 remaining in the final level.

Ryan Ramsdell - 484,000
Cliff “Flounder” Maloney - 0