
Awarded to date

Hollywood Casino: August 1 - 6, 2023

George Harris Eliminated in 4th Place ($47,631)

Created (8/7/2023 12:49:54 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Action folded to George Harris who raised all in for 2,250,000 from the small blind and Jeff Sauer called off his 2,100,000 stack from the big blind.

George Harris:
Jeff Sauer:

Harris was in the lead until the dealer dropped a flop pairing Sauer’s king.

The turn came the pairing Harris but it wasn’t enough to get the job done as the paired the board on the river and secured Sauer his double-up.

Harris was left with just 150,000 and was eliminated a few short hands later.

Jeff Sauer - 4,200,000
George Harris - Eliminated