
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: August 8 - 13, 2023

Lagodich Knocks Out Baime; Stefan Gone

Created (8/12/2023 12:01:08 AM by Liam Gannon)


Frank Lagodich raised to 8,000 in the cutoff and a player called on the button while in the big blind, MSPT champion Kenneth Baime moved all in for 121,000 which saw only Lagodich call while the other player face up folded

Kenneth Baime:
Frank Lagodich:

The board ran out and the board came out as a flush for Lagodich as he took down the pot while the two time MSPT champion exited the tournament.

At another table, Sarah Stefan was eliminated.

Frank Lagodich - 284,000
Kenneth Baime - Eliminated
Sarah Stefan - Eliminated