
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: August 8 - 13, 2023

Alsup Sends Out Neering; Moon Exits

Created (8/12/2023 12:25:24 AM by Liam Gannon)


Raymond Neering called in the hijack and in the small blind Richard Alsup called while Ryan Julius checked his option.

The flop came out and action checked around to Neering who bet 16,000. Alsup raised to 32,000 which saw Julius fold and Neering called.

On the turn, Alsup moved all in for 19,000 effective and Neering called to put himself at risk.

Rich Alsup:
Raymond Neering:

The river did not change the hand and Alsup secured the pot while Neering exited the tournament.

At the same table shortly after, MSPT champion Chris Moon exited the tournament.

Rich Alsup - 145,000
Raymond Neering - Eliminated
Chris Moon - Eliminated