
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: August 8 - 13, 2023

Wazwaz Knocks Out Gambino In The Last Hand of The Night

Created (8/12/2023 2:05:53 AM by Liam Gannon)


Rob Wazwaz opened to 15,000 and was called by two players including Angela Gambino in the big blind.

On the flop of , action checked around to Wazwaz who bet 25,000 which only Gambino called.

The turn saw Gambino check once more to Wazwaz who bet 55,000 and Gambino called.

Gambino moved all in on the river for 93,000 and Wazwaz snap called.

Angela Gambino:
Rob Wazwaz:

The MSPT hall of famer took down the late night pot while Gambino exited the tournament area.

Rob Wazwaz - 534,000
Angela Gambino - Eliminated