
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: August 8 - 13, 2023

Sladek Doubles Into Slim Lead

Created (8/14/2023 1:27:43 AM by Liam Gannon)


Michael Puccio raised to 1,100,000 on the button and Marc Bernal called in the small blind. In the big blind Todd Sladek moved all in for 3,575,000 and Puccio folded while Bernal called.

Todd Sladek:
Marc Bernal:

The board ran out and Sladek made top pair on the flop to double up through Bernal and take a slight chip lead as the stacks evened out.

Todd Sladek - 8,900,000
Michael Puccio - 8,100,000
Marc Bernal - 7,900,000