
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: August 8 - 13, 2023

Michael Puccio Eliminated in 3rd Place ($98,823)

Created (8/14/2023 1:35:24 AM by Liam Gannon)


Michael Puccio raised to 1,100,000 in the small blind and in the big blind Marc Bernal moved all in for 4,900,000 effective and Puccio called to put himself at risk.

Marc Bernal:
Michael Puccio:

The board ran out and Bernal flopped two pair to take the lead in the hand and MSPT regular Puccio took his leave in third place for $98,823

Marc Bernal - 18,000,000
Todd Sladek - 7,200,000
Michael Puccio - Eliminated in 3rd place $98,823