
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: August 8 - 13, 2023

Sladek Pulls Ahead With Aces

Created (8/14/2023 1:44:48 AM by Liam Gannon)


Marc Bernal called on the button which saw Todd Sladek raise to 1,400,000 in the big blind which Bernal called.

The flop of saw both players check to the turn where Sladek bet 800,000 and Bernal called.

On the river, Sladek checked over Bernal who bet 1,000,000 which Sladek quickly called.

Bernal showed for a pair of tens but it was second best against the of Sladek for a pair of aces.

Todd Sladek - 16,000,000
Marc Bernal - 9,000,000