
Awarded to date

JACK Cleveland Casino: August 31 - September 3, 2023

Lady Luck Secures Schaffer Double Elimination

Created (8/31/2023 11:59:41 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Adam Schaffer opened under the gun for 21,000 and the hijack three-bet jammed for 45,000.

Action was on Alan Wentz who called from the cutoff only to have Schaffer go over the top putting him at risk.

Wentz decided to gamble and moved his 145,000 stack in the middle.

Alan Wentz: c
Adam Schaffer:

Wentz was ahead holding a made hand of nines, that was until the dealer dropped a flop.

The turn was the money card for Schaffer as it put him in the lead with top two-pair and the river secured him the double elimination.

Adam Schaffer- 620,000
Alan Wenz - 0