
Awarded to date

JACK Cleveland Casino: August 31 - September 3, 2023

Eric Kois Eliminated in 6th Place ($34,498)

Created (9/3/2023 11:31:25 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Ray Ezzie opened under the gun and was called by Eric Kois from the small blind, along with George Janssen from the big blind.

The flop was checked to Ezzie who continued for 650,000 and Kois check-jammed for 1,300,000.

Janssen quickly released his hand while Ezzie snap-called, and the two players tabled their hands,

Eric Kois:
Ray Ezzie:

Kois flopped top pair but was still trailing Ezzie’s made hand of aces and the board pairing on the turn left him needing a jack to stay alive.

Unfortunately for Kois, the river came paint, but it was the and his tournament ended in sixth place for $34,398.

George Janssen - 8,750,000
Ray Ezzie - 8,500,000
Eric Kois - Eliminated