
Awarded to date

JACK Cleveland Casino: August 31 - September 3, 2023

George Janssen Eliminated in 3rd Place for ($79,861)

Created (9/4/2023 12:58:31 AM by Anthony Thompson)


George Janssen raised the button and Jonathan Lewis defended his big blind to see a flop.

Fireworks popped off when Lewis check-raised to 3,000,000 after Janssen continued for 1,000,000. Janssen fired back with a 7,000,000 three-bet jam and Lewis called having him slightly covered.

George Janssen:
Jonathan Lewis:

Janssen was ahead after flopping top pair but had a sweat as Lewis held the heart flush draw.

The turn paired the board and Janssen just needed to fade the river but as fate would have it, the came crashing down completing Lewis’ flush to end his tournament in third place for $79,861.

Jonathan Lewis - 18,000,000
Ray Ezzie - 10,800,000
George Janssen - Eliminated