
Awarded to date

The Venetian: September 6 - 8, 2023

Wiegmann Flushes Wang for Double

Created (9/6/2023 11:39:18 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Cody Wiegmann raised to 9,000 from the cutoff and was called by Michael Wang from the button, along with Ben Luber from the big blind.

The flop was checked to Wiegmann who continued for another 9,000. Both Wang and Luber called, taking action to the turn.

Action was checked to Wang who fired out a 70,000 bet and Luber quickly released his hand while Wiegmann check-jammed for 74,000.

Wang called, and the two players tabled their hands.

Cody Wiegmann:
Michael Wang:

Wiegmann was ahead after turning the flush and the river secured his double-up.

Cody Wiegmann - 165,000
Michael Wang - 100,000
Ben Luber - 55,000