
Awarded to date

The Venetian: September 6 - 8, 2023

Nicholas Drops Morgan

Created (9/7/2023 10:55:36 PM by Anthony Thompson)


James Nicholas limped-in from the hijack only to have Stephen Rivera raise to 13,000 from the small blind.

Action was on John Morgan who called from the big blind and Nicholas called as well taking action three-ways to a flop.

Both Rivera and Morgan check-called a 17,000 bet from Nicholas, bringing about the turn.

Action was checked once again to Nicholas who fired out a 22,000 and Rivera quickly released his hand while Morgan jammed for his last 33,000.

Nicholas called, and the two hands were revealed.

John Morgan:
James Nicholas:

Nicholas was ahead after pairing his ten on the flop and the river ended Morgan’s night.

James Nicholas - 225,000
Stephen Rivera - 100,000
John Morgan - Eliminated