
Awarded to date

The Venetian: September 6 - 8, 2023

Wang Bubbles Again, Straightened Out by Battistone

Created (9/8/2023 12:23:58 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Brian Battistone raised under the gun and two-time WSOP bracelet winner Michael Wang called from the small blind to see a flop.

Wang led out for 55,000 and Battistone raised to 140,000. Wang quickly fired back with a three-bet jam and Battistone snap-called.

Michael Wang:
Brian Battistone:

It was a cooler situation for Wang as his two pair was out flopped by Battistone holding the nut straight, and the turn followed by the river eliminated him on the bubble for the second night in a row.

Brian Battistone - 605,000
Michael Wang - Eliminated