
Awarded to date

The Venetian: September 8 - 10, 2023

Kim Adds to Stack, Takes from WazWaz

Created (9/10/2023 1:37:20 AM by Anthony Thompson)


MSPT Hall of Famer Rob WazWaz raised to 18,000 from under the gun and was called by Yoon Kim from the small blind, along with Rommel Liscano from the big blind.

The flop was checked to WazWaz who continued for 25,000 and only Kim check-called to see the turn.

Action went check-check, and the completed the board on the river.

This time, Kim turned the aggressor and fired out an uncontested 45,000 to win the pot.

Yoon Kim - 620,000
Rommel Liscano - 140,000
Rob WazWaz - 100,000