
Awarded to date

The Venetian: September 8 - 10, 2023

Aaron Massey Eliminated in 7th Place ($14,326)

Created (9/10/2023 7:46:47 PM by Anthony Thompson)


George Janssen raised the button and then called Aaron Massey’s 825,000 three-bet jam from the small blind.

Aaron Massey:
George Janssen:

Massey was behind and things got worse after the flop gave Janssen top set.

The turn made things very interesting as it kept Massey live drawing to the case four, while also bringing chop possibilities if another club were to fall on the river.

Unfortunately for the former MSPT champ, the completed the board on the river and ended his run in seventh place for $14,326.

George Janssen - 1,900,000
Aaron Massey - Eliminated