
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: September 21 - 24, 2023

Vannoy Calls To Double Through Ambrosetti

Created (9/22/2023 2:28:04 AM by Liam Gannon)


Action was picked up in a pot between David Vannoy in early position and Phil Ambrosetti in middle position.

The flop of saw Vannoy bet 6,000 which Ambrosetti responded to by raising to 11,000 which Vannoy called.

The turn of saw Ambrosetti bet 26,000 when checked to by Vannoy, which Vannoy called once.

On the river, Vannoy checked a third time to Ambrosetti who moved all in for 96,500 and after some thought Vannoy called to put himself at risk.

David Vannoy - 295,500
Phil Ambrosetti - 112,000