
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: September 21 - 24, 2023

Hernandez Triples; Goulart Scoops Side

Created (9/23/2023 2:17:15 AM by Liam Gannon)


Elias Correa Goulart raised to 8,000 in middle position and Isaac Sluzky three bet to 24,000 in the hijack. In the big blind, Alex Hernandez moved all in for 46,000 which saw Goulart move all in for 121,000 effective which saw Sluzky contemplate his decision briefly before calling to put himself at risk.

Alex Hernandez:
Isaac Sluzky:
Elias Correa Goulart:

The board ran out and the aces held for Hernandez to triple up while Goulart scooped Sluzky in the side pot.

Elias Correa Goulart - 265,000
Alex Henandez - 146,000
Isaac Sluzky - Eliminated