
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: September 21 - 24, 2023

Blagg and Hammers Bust In The Last Hand of The Night

Created (9/23/2023 3:04:11 AM by Liam Gannon)


Tom Hammers moved all in for 41,000 from the hijack which saw Anthony Marquez call and all other players folded.

Tom Hammers:
Anthony Marquez:

The board ran out and Hammers could not best Marquez’s kicker.

At the same time as this hand, Matthew Blagg was eliminated at the other table, bringing the overall player count down to 16 for bagging.

Stay tuned for full chip counts and a full recap later to come.

Anthony Marquez - 234,000
Tom Hammers - Eliminated
Matthew Blagg - Eliminated