
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: September 21 - 24, 2023

Najor Doubles Through Eskandari

Created (9/24/2023 3:16:09 AM by Liam Gannon)


Action was picked up on the turn in a three bet pot between Dillon Najor on the button and Massoud Eskandari in the hijack.

With a significant pot already built and a board reading , Eskandari checked over to Najor who moved all in for 127,000.

“I’ve got too many outs,” lamented Eskandari “I call.”

Dillon Najor:
Massoud Eskandari:

The river saw no change to the draws for Eskandari and Najor secured the double up.

Dillon Najor - 456,000
Massoud Eskandari - 261,000