
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: September 21 - 24, 2023

Goulart Doubles Through Fajardo

Created (9/24/2023 10:02:59 PM by Liam Gannon)


Elias Correa Goulart raised to 150,000 from the hijack and Ceferino Fajardo moved all in for 925,000 total and Goulart called to put himself at risk.

Elias Correa Goulart:
Ceferino Fajardo:

The board ran out and the jacks held up for Goulart.

“Vamo!” screamed his active rail as the pot was pushed towards him.

Eilias Correa Goulart - 2,100,000
Ceferino Fajardo - 675,000