
Awarded to date

Silverado Casino: October 20 - 22, 2023

Remington Flushes Herdt for Double Up

Created (10/21/2023 1:46:14 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Dave Herdt raised to 15,000 from under the gun and was called by Ruth Graham from the hijack before Ryan Remington squeezed for his last 55,000 from the big blind.

Action was back on Herdt who went over the top and gave Remington isolation after Graham folded her hand.

Ryan Remington:
Dave Herdt:

Remington was at risk and needed help, but none came on the flop.

However, the was turned giving Remington the nut flush draw which completed with the river, securing his double-up.

Ryan Remington - 120,000
Ruth Graham - 110,000
Dave Herdt - 45,000