
Awarded to date

Silverado Casino: October 20 - 22, 2023

Hammers Flushes Bailey for Double

Created (10/21/2023 2:26:05 AM by Anthony Thompson)


After an initial limp, Tracy Bailey raised to 23,000 from the small blind and Tom Hammers three-bet jammed for 157,000 from the big blind.

Action folded back to Bailey who called, and the two players tabled their hands.

Tom Hammers:
Tracy Bailey:

Bailey was ahead holding a made hand of jacks but had a sweat after the flop have Hammers the nut flush draw.

Unfortunately for Bailey, the sweat didn’t last long as the turn completed Hammers’ flush and the river secured his double-up.

Tom Hammers - 320,000
Tracy Bailey - 46,000