
Awarded to date

Silverado Casino: October 20 - 22, 2023

Kingan Turns Broadway Dropping MSPT Hall of Famer

Created (10/22/2023 1:17:38 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Ralph Kingan raised to 12,000 from the cutoff and was called by MSPT Hall of Famer Aaron Johnson from the small blind, along with Josh Matti from the big blind.

The flop was checked to Kingan who continued for 16,000 and Johnson called off his remaining 2,000 while Matti released his hand.

Aaron Johnson:
Ralph Kingan:

Kingan was ahead after pairing his queen and the turn gave him Broadway.

Johnson needed any diamond to win the pot or a jack for a chop, but the river ended the Hall of Famers tournament.

Ralph Kingan - 195,000
Aaron Johnson - Eliminated