
Awarded to date

Silverado Casino: October 20 - 22, 2023

Kingan Wakes Up with Aces and Scores Double Elimination

Created (10/22/2023 1:27:36 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Josh Matti raised to 12,000 from middle position only to have Austin Macaiti three-bet jam for 80,000 from the hijack, and Sam Rooks go over the top for 194,000 from the cutoff.

Action was on Ralph Kingan who called from the small blind and exposed his weapons of mass destruction before Matti released his hand.

Austin Macaiti:
Sam Rooks:
Ralph Kingan:

It was a perfect spot for Kingan waking up with aces and the runout secured him the double elimination to take the current chip lead.

Ralph Kingan - 475,000
Sam Rooks - Eliminated
Austin Macaiti - Eliminated