
Awarded to date

Silverado Casino: October 20 - 22, 2023

Ralph Kingan Eliminated in 6th Place ($15,174)

Created (10/22/2023 7:37:40 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Mark Steffen opened under the gun for 130,000 and Ralph Kingan called from the cutoff.

The two took to a flop and Steffen continued for 105,000 only to call 275,000 raise from Kingan.

Once the dealer peeled off the on the turn, Steffen check-jammed after Kingan fired out a 300,000 bet, and Jingan called off his remaining 855,000 after some careful thought.

Ralph Kingan:
Mark Steffen:

Kingan was behind needing help, but the river wasn’t it and he was eliminated in sixth place for $15,174.

Mark Steffen - 4,000,000
Ralph Kingan - Eliminated