
Awarded to date

Silverado Casino: October 20 - 22, 2023

Umut Ozturk Eliminated in 4th Place ($26,373)

Created (10/22/2023 8:06:22 PM by Anthony Thompson)


MSPT champ Umut Ozturk was all in for 1,100,000 from the small blind and Leo Valenzuela called from the big blind.

Umut Ozturk:
Leo Valenzuela:

Ozturk was racing for his tournament and saw a jack in the window on the flop, but there was a seven hiding underneath giving Valenzuela a set of sevens.

The turn was no help to Ozturk as it left him drawing dead to the river that gave Valenzuela quad sevens.

Leo Valenzuela - 5,000,000
Umut Ozturk - Eliminated