
Awarded to date

Silverado Casino: October 20 - 22, 2023

Tom Hammers Eliminated in 3rd Place ($35,767)

Created (10/22/2023 8:49:10 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Leo Valenzuela raised all in from the small blind and Tom Hammers called off his small stack from the big blind.

Tom Hammers:
Leo Valenzuela:

Hammers had Valenzuela dominated until the dealer dropped a flop pairing Valenzuela’s deuce.

The paired the board on the turn bringing possible chop outs, but the river gave Valenzuela a full house to eliminate Hammers in third place for $35,767.

Leo Valenzuela - 9,120,000
Mark Steffen - 2,100,000
Tom Hammers - Eliminated