
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: October 24 - 29, 2023

Koral Dodges Bullets for Another Double

Created (10/27/2023 1:34:45 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Tom Koral raised from the cutoff and then called a three-bet Eric Phillips made from the big blind.

Once the flop hit the felt, Phillips check-jammed after Koral fired out a 30,000 bet and Koral called off his 117,000 stack.

Tom Koral:
Eric Phillips:

Koral found himself in another all-in situation against Phillips only this time, Phillips held the made hand of aces leaving Koral at risk of elimination until the dealer turned the giving him a set.

Koral was able to fade the river and secured another late-night double.

Tom Koral - 245,000
Eric Phillips - 185,000