
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: October 24 - 29, 2023

Dawson Flops the Flush to Double Through Schutten

Created (10/28/2023 1:30:34 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Brek Schutten raised under the gun and then called MSPT champ Charlie Dawson’s 70,000 three-bet jam from the hijack.

Charlie Dawson:
Brek Schutten:

Dawson jammed into Schutten’s cowboys but picked the right hand to do it with as the flop gave him the flush.

The paired the board on the turn giving Schutten a little hope, but the completed the board on the river and secured Dawson his double-up.

Schutten was left short and was eliminated a few hands later.

Charlie Dawson - 155,000
Brek Schutten - 0