
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: October 24 - 29, 2023

Ozturk Sets Up Nikola Budzakoski for KO

Created (10/29/2023 12:21:06 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Nikola Budzakoski raised from middle position only to have MSPT champ Umut Ozturk three-bet from the small blind.

Action folded back to Budzakoski who four-bet jammed and Ozturk snap-called.

Nikola Budzakoski:
Umut Ozturk:

Ozturk was ahead holding a made hand of kings and improved after the flop gave him top set.

The turn was no good for Budzakoski as it left him drawing dead to the river.

Umut Ozturk - 250,000
Nikola Budzakoski - Eliminated