
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: October 24 - 29, 2023

Mark Sandness Eliminated in 3rd Place ($50,646)

Created (10/29/2023 11:51:11 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Mark Sandness open-jammed the button and Blake Bohn went over the top from the small blind giving him isolation.

Mark Sandness:
Blake Bohn:

Sandness was ahead holding a made hand of tens but the flop did pair Bohn’s nine.

The paired the board on the turn and Sandness was looking good to score the double-up until the dealer dropped the on the river giving Bohn a full house to eliminate Sandness.

Blake Bohn - 13,710,000
Steve Buell - 3,600,000
Mark Sandness - Eliminated