
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: November 2 - 5, 2023

Joby Steffeusmeier Eliminated in 7th Place ($18,986)

Created (11/5/2023 9:23:29 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Nick Barksdale raised from under the gun and then called Joby Steffeusmeier’s 780,000 three-bet jam from the button.

Joby Steffeusmeier:
Nick Barksdale:

Steffeusmeier was ahead, that was until the dealer dropped a flop giving Barksdale two-pair.

The turn did give Steffeusmeier some hope with a Broadway draw, but the river ended his Main Event run.

Nick Barksdale - 5,200,000
Joby Steffeusmeier - Eliminated